Nutmeg isn't just for cookies, you know. That is old school. This spice works for many other sweets, as well as meats along with a green or two. You might already use it for that stuffing recipe hope it's not your solution ingredient.
Think about including a dash of nutmeg into the mix when you are cooking up celery, cabbage or broccoli, cauliflower too. It'll add a little something that might even assist these foods be digested a little better for those who find them hard on the machine.
Don't forget to experiment with nutmeg with regards to lamb and veal, even sausages, as well. The next time you're creating a cheese sauce with regard to something, add a dash of nutmeg.
Then there are the actual beverage possibilities. Coffee, as with cinnamon, can be enhanced with a little dash. Use it in the pot, in the coffee filter, or on top as a spread design. A little will go a long way here.
At Christmas time, eggnog would not be the same without nutmeg. Then there is, obviously, mulled wine, home-brewed beer, and fruit punch with a difference. Try blending it with pineapple and other exotic fruits. It is good friends with the raisin as well.
Many breads, enthusiast breads and others, can handle a bit of nutmeg with ease. Check online for plenty of quality recipes. Also, soups could be brought back to life having a dash or two of this spice.
As with other spices, that one can lose its flavor over time, so make sure you use it or replace your stock at least once a year at least. An air tight pot can help your floor spices last longer.
Very cold and refreezing them is not that useful, as the taste will diminish. You're better off buying a quantity you can work with for some time and then replenishing when needed.
Please note that while the word nut is in it's name, most people who're allergic to nuts are still able to eat foods that contain this particular spice. Always check, but this spice is not related. While enthusiast allergies are quite regular, an allergy to nutmeg seems to be rare.
Make sure to possess a list of all ingredients you've used on hands when guests arrive. That way you can be sure to reply to their questions as well as keep them feeling calm.
When you are working with nut products in your kitchen, consider precautions not to dual dip, and to make sure not to cross contaminate surfaces. Even if there are no allergies in sight, this will help you to ensure that the cookie you offer to your neighbor one day will not cause trouble. Allergies can be very serious!
But getting back to those cookies, does not the smell of nutmeg cause you to think of winter? I can not help it. It's some of those soft and fluffy smells that makes me want to put on a sweater guess I have to get moving to use it much more in the summer now too.
A very versatile spice, nutmeg has a wide range of skills that cover both tasty and sweet dishes.
Nutmeg is so handy for spicing up vegetables, meat, cookies, and drinks. It's high on the list of good ones to keep inside your recipes.
Author Vincent Chris Platania, Jr. writes regarding Nutmeg. Since 1889 Rawleigh Products markets a line of Good Health Products that possessed both strength and high quality