Saturday, July 9, 2011

Serving The Perfect Thanksgiving Turkey For Your Guests

Every year at Thanksgiving, my loved ones discusses what we can make for Thanksgiving supper. Some of us are traditionalists, that shudder at the thought associated with anything but turkey with all the trimmings. Others are more adventurous -- especially me personally, since I did not develop in the United States and I am not really beholden to memories associated with Thanksgiving Past. I'm always ready to attempt something new, and I think (much to the fury of the traditionalists) that Thanksgiving is a great time to experiment with the menu.

And so it came to pass, last year, which i won the fight about the Thanksgiving menu, as well as, with the reluctant authorization of the traditional members of the family, was given a free rein in the kitchen. And that's how the "turducken" Thanksgiving began.

What's a "turducken" you say? It had been quite a task but well worth the trouble. We started the Thursday before Thanksgiving by buying a 12 lb organic turkey, the 6 pound duck along with a 3 pound fresh chicken. I very carefully boned each one leaving their own structure intact. You must cut carefully, particularly the turkey, if it is to appear natural.

I designed a stuffing from the giblets of all three, adding a few sage, thyme, dried apricots, and Grand Marnier. I had a little Grand Marnier too... (not recommended if you're under 21!). The very first thing you do is lay the turkey away, skin-side down, open. After this you put down an even coating of the stuffing, careful to not go too close to the edges. Next, you lay open up the duck skin-side down right on top of the layer associated with stuffing. It is smaller so you can put a great layer of stuffing on it. Simply replicate the process with the chicken.

Now, the difficult part... You carefully wrap the poultry back up into it's original shape, tying the drumsticks, breast, and rear together. A person cover it and make it slow and low until the

innermost temperatures are 165F. Be sure to baste often and remove fat too. The duck is quite fatty. Leave it covered before last half hour or so. You can remove the aluminum foil and it

will turn a nice golden dark brown. Let it rest for a half hour before carving. You might want to rest a little bit your self,


The big shock comes at the table whenever you proudly stand to define the 'turkey.' Using a serrated knife you slice through it just like a loaf of bread. Your guests gasp, wondering what has happened. What is this thing laid before all of them? Then, they are handled to a meal they have never imagined before, and a new Thanksgiving holiday memory that will last a lifetime. (And maybe become a tradition of its personal!)

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